
Diposting oleh Rahmat Setiawan | 4/28/2009 10:01:00 AM | 0 komentar »

Membangun kepercayaan dalam setiap tindakan begitu penting karena hasil dari penanaman kredibilitas memberikan implikasi positif(lihat:immawandeni.


Diposting oleh Rahmat Setiawan | 4/23/2009 11:15:00 AM | 0 komentar »

This strategy guide describes an approach for using an anticipation guide (statements with which students agree or disagree before reading) to support discussions of ideas in science books. This strategy helps students activate background knowledge and read with a purpose, think about important concepts before reading, and discuss science texts. This guide includes an introductory section about anticipation guides, a general overview of how to teach this strategy with many science texts, and a plan for using an anticipation guide with the Seeds of Science/Roots of Reading book, Solving Dissolving.

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